With everyday fast life, it has become even more necessary to exercise on a regular basis. Having said that, we all agree that Yoga is the best kind of exercise we can do which benefits both our mind and body. With such an approach comes Yoga practitioner Rashmi Ramesh.
Rashmi promotes Yoga and comes up with regular Yoga videos for everyone. Not only this she has come up with this amazing idea of Yoga Guppy Flash Cards! Recently we connected over the project for the same product.

The yoga guppy is pack of 40 flashcards with yoga poses described in words and cute illustrations. This makes it very attractive to kids (and even to adults!).
While shooting for this campaign, Kenisha was more then excited to try as many poses as possible. As she tried to copy the posture in every card, her mothered helped her to perfect it more.

Imagine, Yoga being such a fun activity with so many giggles with your little one! You can buy the same on amazon by Clicking Here.
Looking for a photographer to capture your products in such fun way? Contact us and let's talk more!